
Tren Parabolin PT

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Trenbolone Parabolin, commonly known simply as Trenbolone or Tren, is a highly potent anabolic steroid used in bodybuilding and athletic circles for its powerful effects on muscle growth, strength, and overall physique enhancement

Original price was: R660.Current price is: R594.

SKU: PT015


Trenbolone Parabolin, commonly known simply as Trenbolone or Tren, is a highly potent anabolic steroid used in bodybuilding and athletic circles for its powerful effects on muscle growth, strength, and overall physique enhancement.

Composition and Characteristics

Trenbolone is a synthetic derivative of nandrolone (19-nortestosterone), but it has been modified to exhibit significantly stronger anabolic properties. It does not aromatize into estrogen like some other steroids, meaning it does not convert into female hormones, which can cause unwanted side effects like water retention and gynecomastia.

Mechanism of Action

  1. Anabolic Effects: Trenbolone binds strongly to the androgen receptor, promoting protein synthesis and nitrogen retention in muscles. This leads to a rapid increase in muscle mass and strength gains.
  2. Enhanced Nutrient Efficiency: It enhances the body’s ability to utilize nutrients such as protein, carbohydrates, and fats, making the muscle-building process more efficient.
  3. Fat Loss: Trenbolone also has potent fat-burning properties, making it popular for cutting cycles where athletes aim to reduce body fat while maintaining muscle mass and definition.

Forms of Trenbolone

Trenbolone Parabolin, also known as Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate, is one of the longer-acting esterified forms of Trenbolone. It has a half-life of approximately 8-10 days, which allows for less frequent injections compared to other Trenbolone esters like Trenbolone Acetate (with a shorter half-life) or Trenbolone Enanthate (with a longer half-life).

Bodybuilding Usage

  1. Bulking: During bulking phases, bodybuilders use Trenbolone to rapidly increase muscle mass and strength. It promotes a hard, dense muscle appearance with minimal water retention, enhancing muscular definition.
  2. Cutting: In cutting cycles, Trenbolone helps preserve lean muscle tissue while promoting fat loss. Its ability to increase metabolic rate and enhance nutrient partitioning makes it effective for achieving a lean and ripped physique.
  3. Performance Enhancement: Athletes may use Trenbolone to improve physical performance, endurance, and recovery between intense training sessions. It can also increase aggression and motivation during workouts.

Side Effects and Considerations

  1. Androgenic Effects: Trenbolone can cause androgenic side effects such as acne, oily skin, and hair loss in genetically predisposed individuals.
  2. Cardiovascular Risks: It may negatively impact cholesterol levels, potentially increasing the risk of cardiovascular complications.
  3. Suppression of Natural Testosterone Production: Like other anabolic steroids, Trenbolone suppresses natural testosterone production. Post-cycle therapy (PCT) is essential to restore hormonal balance.


Trenbolone Parabolin is a potent anabolic steroid favored by bodybuilders and athletes for its ability to promote muscle growth, strength gains, and fat loss. However, its use comes with significant risks and potential side effects, necessitating careful consideration and medical supervision. Responsible use, including adherence to dosage recommendations and post-cycle therapy, is crucial to minimize adverse effects and maximize the benefits of Trenbolone in bodybuilding contexts.

Additional information



Pack Size

10ml Vial

Chemical Composition

Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate



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