Dosage Instructions
10mg to 20mg / Day
Testolone is a powerful SARM that does not require high doses to be effective. In fact, lower doses are recommended even for the more advanced users, but there is still room to move if you want to slightly increase your dosage for better outcomes, while balancing any negative effects.
It’s more than possible to get some quality gains at just 4mg daily and this is where many beginners will choose to start. This low dose allows you to evaluate your results and monitor any adverse effects which will be much easier to address at low doses. Once you know how your body reacts to a low dose, you can consider increasing it later at half of your cycle, or for your next Testolone cycle.
Testolone is a SARM that doesn’t have great popularity with women, and those considering its use should limit the dose to a very low level starting at 5mg daily with the possibility of increasing to 7.5mg. This will deliver excellent gains with women able to put on some quality lean muscle without worrying about the virilization effects of steroids.
Good results can be expected from Testolone at dosages as low as 10mg daily. Some people will increase this to 20mg daily, but it’s important to balance your dosage and side effects and new users of Testolone are best advised to start low and gauge your response to the point where you can increase the dosage if needed.
Any dosage higher than about 20mg per day will require you to do PCT, while you can likely recover well without PCT at the lower doses. A maximum of 10 weeks cycle length is recommended as the upper limit if you want to avoid more severe suppression and other side effects.
Testolone is known as a strength booster and enhanced strength is going to appeal to just about anyone with any goal. This means it is useful both as a solo compound and when stacked with something that can compound on its own effects; whether that be for bulking, cutting, enhancing athletic performance or body recomposition.
Some users will choose to use RAD-140 along with steroids but this is an advanced strategy. Those who are only wanting to stick with SARMs and SARM-like compounds will find four potential cycle suggestions for different goals below:
RAD-140 only cycle
With Testolone being such a powerful SARM, it is possible to use it alone in a cycle and get great results. New users can start at a low dose of 10mg daily for the first two weeks and evaluate the effects – both positive and negative – and then increase the dose if desired up to 20mg. The cycle length is ideally limited to between 6 and 8 weeks to minimize testosterone suppression.
RAD-140 bulking cycle
A short and sharp 6-week cycle combining some of the most potent SARMs in a stack can deliver bulking results almost to rival those of steroids. In this case we can combine RAD-140 with YK-11 and LGD-4033 all with a dosage of between 10mg and 15mg daily each. Confident and advanced users can run this stack for 8 weeks or even 10 weeks but be prepared for a serious round of PCT following it.
RAD-140 cutting cycle
RAD-140 can add much to a cutting stack with its dry gains and ability to harden the physique, particularly near the end of a cycle. Two compounds that can combine with RAD140 in this stack are LGD-4033 and SR9009which will combine to boost fat loss by improving efficiency of the metabolism. You can get by with awesome results on low doses of 10mg daily for both RAD-140 and LGD-4033.
SR9009 doses can start at 10mg and extend right to 40mg depending on how hardcore you plan to go with your cutting, with the latter needing to be administered two or three times daily due to its shorter half-life. Run this cycle from 6 to 8 weeks for exceptional cutting outcomes.
RAD-140 recomping cycle
You want to improve your muscle to fat ratio when recomping so this cycle is a combination of making some gains while burning fat. An ideal compound to stack Testolone with for this purpose is S4 (Andarine). This combo will simultaneously reduce body fat while hardening the muscles, provided your diet is optimal and is rich in quality protein. You should run this cycle for at least 8 weeks, with up to 12 weeks possible as a maximum. An ideal S4 dose is 50mg daily while Testolone will be very effective at just 10mg daily, as you are trying to mostly maintain muscle rather than bulk up in this cycle.
SARMs in general have a reputation of having no suppressive effect on testosterone, but this is not the case. Several SARMs are known to cause at least mild suppression, while Testolone is possibly the most suppressive SARM you can use.
This means you will very likely need to do some form of post cycle theraphy once finishing a RAD140 cycle if you want to stimulate testosterone to start being produced by the body again.
Without PCT, normal testosterone function can take months to come back and during that time you will lose muscle, gain fat, lose strength and energy, have a low libido and low mood, and generally feel terrible and have poor health. So, getting testosterone going again is critical after you’ve used RAD-140.
The amount of suppression you’ll experience with RAD140 is going to differ between individuals, and your dosage and cycle length will be big factors; but it’s not uncommon for guys to have a 50-70% reduction in testosterone. Many users will have a much lower level of suppression.
This can only be measured through blood testing, but at that level you are sure to notice some negative changes, so you’ll want to have your PCT planned out. Steroid users favor drugs like Nolvadex and Clomid for PCT and these will more than cover your needs for the less harsh suppression caused by Testolone compared with steroids.