Side Effects
Like all anabolic steroids we need to look out for the potential side effects that Superdrol can cause. There’s some good news in this area, particularly with no estrogenic activity occurring. But there’s also some serious possible effects on the body that Superdrol can bring about; therefore, it’s critical to know what to look out for when using this steroid.
Here are the main areas to be aware of in terms of Superdrol side effects:
Androgenic side effects
Superdrol has a low androgenic rating, but it can still bring about some androgenic effects in some users. Compared with some other steroids these androgenic side effects are mostly very mild in most men. This includes acne and hair loss. Most men will find the androgenic effects of Superdrol to be very manageable. Female users are likely to suffer virilization effects with this steroid even at low doses.
The effects on the cardiovascular system are one of the more serious side effects we must worry about with Superdrol. This steroid can bring about a rise in bad cholesterol (LDL) levels, while reducing the good HDL cholesterol level.
People with existing high cholesterol are advised to avoid using Superdrol. But even those with healthy cholesterol will need to pay strict attention to diet and exercise, ensuring enough cholesterol friendly foods are consumed; particularly those rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Sufficient cardio training should also be regularly included in workouts.
Testosterone suppression
Superdrol users can expect high suppression of natural testosterone, and this will require the use of a testosterone steroid. This provides a base level of testosterone hormone in the body for the duration of the cycle, and PCT will almost always be required following the end of the cycle.
Liver toxicity
There’s no getting around the risks to the liver with this oral steroid. For this reasons cycles should always be limited in length of no more than 8 weeks maximum; many will choose to use it for only 6 weeks however, during which time excellent results can still be achieved while balancing the stress on the liver. Because of the high hepatotoxic nature of Superdrol, this steroid shouldn’t be used by anyone who has poor liver health. A break of at least 8 weeks, but ideally longer, should be taken after using Superdrol with no use of any other liver toxic steroids, to allow the liver enough time to recover.
Estrogenic side effects
With no aromatizing taking place, Superdrol does not bring about those familiar estrogen related side effects of water retention and gyno. This results in cleaner, harder gains, and means you don’t need to use anti-estrogen drugs. But if you’re stacking Superdrol with aromatizing steroids you’ll still need to address estrogenic effects.
Superdrol will cause some level of testosterone suppression in male users. In most cases this will be a high level of suppression, so POST CYCLE THERAPHY will be essential following the cycle. Once your Superdrol cycle ends, normal testosterone function will be at a very low level.
While it will slowly recover on its own, this low testosterone state will persist for some time and bring with it a range of negative impacts. To avoid this, PCT will stimulate testosterone production during this time so the body can function normally. A standard PCT cycle of Clomid and/or Nolvadex can be implemented to encourage testosterone levels to rise, so that muscle gains can be maintained, and fat is not inclined to being gained as is usually the case when testosterone drops.
You’ll also avoid other low testosterone problems like lack of energy and poor libido. The timing and length of your PCT cycle will also depend on which, if any, other compounds you’ve used in a stack with Superdrol; generally, four to six weeks is sufficient in most cases.