Stenabolic is another compound which is often referred to as a SARM but is technically not a SARM at all. In scientific speak it is known as an agonist of Rev-ErbA, but for those of you without a chemistry degree the main interest is in what SR9009 can do for your performance and results.
Initial lab studies showed that SR9009 was effective at increasing exercise capacity. It was also found that Stenabolic alters the circadian rhythm in mice but as this was an experimental research with unknown effects in humans, it’s still not fully understood how Stenabolic would impact on the human circadian rhythm, either positively or negatively.
Bodybuilders and other athletes who have used Stenabolic have determined that it is very beneficial in some specific areas of interest: mainly in increasing endurance and stamina, as well as for fat loss.
As this is a research drug only and is not approved for use in humans, no official manufacturer of Stenabolic takes place and the only way to purchase it is through companies who sell it as a research chemical.
The scientist who created Stenabolic has stated that this compound may have little to no bioavailability in humans when taken orally as it does not make its way into the bloodstream.
However, those that use the drug for performance enhancing purposes often report a high rate of bioavailability, potentially indicating the possible downplaying by official sources of the true effectiveness and beneficial effects of Stenabolic to discourage use. Many people are using this compound with exceptional results despite the lack of official scientific research of its effects on humans.
Despite this, and the range of unknowns that surround the overall effects of Stenabolic, it is still listed as a prohibited drug by WADA because of its performance enhancing abilities