Primabolin Tabs 25mg

Primabolin (Methenolone) is a unique steroid in several ways including that it’s one of the few you can get in both oral and injectable forms. It is one of the best suited steroids for females, and despite its low anabolic rating it is still a sought-after steroid.


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Primabolin (Methenolone) was originally developed to treat medical conditions that caused muscle wasting. This highlights how effective this compound is at preventing loss of muscle, which is a highly desirable trait for any bodybuilder or athlete.

While not a powerful bulking steroid and one that won’t contribute much to size gain in most men, it is an excellent cutting compound due to the way Primabolin is able to help retain lean muscle tissue mainly through the process of increasing nitrogen retention.

Methenolone Enanthate (Primabolin Depot)

Depot is the name of the injectable form of Primabolin . It is considered to be a more effective and slightly more powerful form of Primabolin , but the effects are still similar to the oral form, and it remains a relatively mild steroid compared with most others out there.

The oral form of Primabolin is Methenolone Acetate in chemical form, with the acetate being a small ester attached to the Methenolone hormone so it can be consumed in oral form. Unlike many other oral steroids, this doesn’t come with the high risk of liver toxicity; in fact, there are virtually no known causes of liver stress or damage caused by this steroid.

The mild anabolic effects of oral Primabolin make it an ideal choice for women who can see excellent results at low doses with relatively low risk of virilization side effects compared with other steroids. While oral Primabolin can also be effective for male users, many men will prefer the injectable Depot version which is more effective.

Due to the difficulty in obtaining high quality Primabolin , not everyone will have the option to choose between oral or depot, with the choice often resting simply on what you are able to obtain.

Additional information


Methenolone Acetate




50 Tabs


HD Labs

Dosage Instructions

Dosage Instructions

25mg -75 mg/ Day

Because of its relatively low anabolic rating, using Primobolan with any benefits normally means dosing it at a higher level than we might for most other steroids. These higher doses still only make Primobolan most effective for cutting cycles, as the dosing required for bulking would be too high to be practical or healthy.

Whatever your goals are, Primobolan is almost always stacked with other steroid compounds as it tends to have little beneficial effect when used alone for most men but can be effective for women.

The oral form of Primobolan is clearly preferable for anyone who is hesitant about injecting themselves with steroids, but it’s well known that despite the compound being the same besides the attached ester, oral Primobolan is not quite as effective as the injection, and this can just be to do with how it’s taken up by the body.

In any case, if the oral form is the only one you can get your hands on, or you simply don’t want to deal with injections then it’s still well worth using if you get your doses right optimized for best results.

Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Dosage
Its mild nature means that we need to use Primobolan at a higher dosage level than might be the case with most other steroids, and this will include beginner users as well. The good news is that even at these higher performance enhancement doses, Primobolan does not present huge side effect risks and should be well tolerated by beginners.

Both beginners and intermediate users can safely use Primobolan up to 150mg daily, although beginners wanting to start off extra slow can lower this down to 50mg and potentially see some beneficial effects still.

Advanced users often increase the oral dose up to 200mg daily, keeping in mind that these doses are unlikely present the risks of liver toxicity that is the case with almost all other oral steroids where doses need to be limited for that reason.

Advanced users choosing to increase Primobolan oral doses beyond 200mg daily should be aware of an increased risk to the liver at higher dosages.

The high cost of oral Primobolan is often a limiting factor in what you’d like your daily dosage to be regardless of experience level.

Whatever your chosen dose of oral Primobolan is, it can be taken in one administration and there is no need to split the dose as is the case with the injectable form.

Proper Administration and Timing
Taking Primobolan oral is as simple as a once daily administration. While some other steroids with very short half-lives might need a dose to be broken down into twice or more daily to sustain levels of the hormone, this is not an issue with the longer half-life of Primobolan of several days.

Female Dosage
Women only require mild anabolic effects from a steroid to experience gains in muscle, and Primobolan fits the bill and comes with much less risk of virilization effects than almost any other steroid.

Oral Primobolan is preferred by females as both the effects and side effects are easier to control compared to the injection. Females can get by with excellent benefits at very low doses of oral Primobolan of just 50mg, or 75mg maximum.

Effect on Cycle

Effect on Cycle

Primobolan is derived from DHT so you can expect it to have a lot of the same properties and effects as that hormone including the benefit of it not being an aromatizing hormone. This makes it a powerful compound for cutting because you can achieve a very cut and lean look without the bloating caused by fluid retention.

Being a much milder steroid on the anabolic side compared with the famous mass building and bulking steroids out there, your results with Primobolan won’t be including big muscle gains but that’s not what this steroid should be used for and attempting to take higher doses to improve muscle growth is a futile exercise – you are much better off going with more powerful anabolic steroids if bulking is your main aim.

In a cutting phase is where Primobolan will contribute to impressive results. Expect a hard and defined physique because there is no water retention caused by Primobolan (if you are stacking it with other steroids that cause water retention that side effect will need to be controlled).

Primobolan will play a critical role in retention of muscle tissue while you’re cutting by keeping the body anabolic and avoiding catabolism. Primobolan encourages the body to use fat for energy and not resort to using muscle for energy; it also helps to burn fat more efficiently. With no water retention it’s possible to attain a hard, dry and chiselled physique once your fat levels are at a low level.

Here are the main benefits and effects of Primobolan:

  • Promotes nitrogen retention: this is what makes Primobolan so useful for retaining muscle tissue during a cutting cycle and what makes it the main reason people use this steroid.
  • Enhances immune system: this is an important side benefit because we as steroid users need the immune system to be as strong as possible for maximum strength, energy, mental focus and all-round health. During a cutting cycle where you are eating less, the immune system can take a hit, and this is where Primobolan brings some extra benefit during a cutting cycle.


  • Gain a lead and hard physique: with its ability to promote the preservation of lean muscle without the side effects we must dread when losing fat – water retention and gyno – Primobolan is an excellent compound to use when achieving the ultimate hard, toned and defined physique is the main goal.

Here are the areas where Primobolan is not going to be your ideal steroid to use:

  • For bulking and mass gains: Primobolan has mild anabolic properties so is not primarily used for gaining muscle and size in a bulking cycle.
  • Strength: Again, due to its lower anabolic rating compared with many other steroids, only mild gains in strength can be expected so if you’re looking for massive strength gains there are other steroids that will suit you instead of Primobolan.

Side Effects

Side Effects

Compared with many other steroids, Primobolan is well tolerated by most people and relatively mild in its side effects.

The good news is that there are no estrogenic side effects to worry about when you use Primobolan. This is because Methenolone is a non-aromatizing hormone, and it also doesn’t have any effects on progestin which can also cause estrogen type side effects, so you get to avoid some of the worst side effects experienced with most other steroids.

But we can’t expect to get away with no side effect risks when it comes to anabolic steroids and Primobolan makes up for it on the androgenic side, but again these are relatively weak effects compared with other steroids because of its lower androgenic rating of about half that of testosterone.

This still means some people will experience androgenic side effects and the risk mostly depends on your individual genetics and predisposition to these effects.

Females are obviously at much greater risk of the androgenic effects taking hold and producing issues like body hair growth, but Primobolan at lower doses in women is considered one of the safest steroids to use and these side effects are often completely avoided.

Most androgenic effects on men using Primobolan are generally very mild to non-existent in most people but can include acne or the triggering of hair loss on the head if your genes predispose you to these.

Oral steroids often come with severe risks to the liver, but Primobolan has a slightly different chemical structure to most oral steroids and so is a much lower risk of hepatotoxicity. This doesn’t mean there is zero risk of the liver being affected though, but lower doses of oral Primobolan are safer than most other oral steroids. Higher doses or long-term usage of Primobolan does increase the risk of negative impacts on the liver. There are no liver toxicity risks with the injectable form of Primobolan.

Without water retention, risk of high blood pressure developing when using Primobolan is considered low unless you have an existing condition. Effects on cholesterol are much more of a concern with Primobolan when it comes to cardiovascular health.

It is possible for this steroid to cause a reduction in levels of good cholesterol (HDL) and a raising of bad cholesterol (LDL) levels. Since Primobolan is likely to be used in a cutting cycle that includes cardiovascular exercise and a low-fat diet, most people should be able to retain good cholesterol health, but this is one area that should be closely monitored throughout your cycle.

Suppression of testosterone is a side effect that can’t be ignored and although Primobolan is once again milder in this regard compared with other steroids, it can still cause enough testosterone suppression at performance enhancing doses that you will want to be using a testosterone compound during your cycle to prevent you falling into a low testosterone state. This is only an issue for men; female users won’t be affected by testosterone suppression when using Primobolan.

Potential liver toxicity is always a concern particularly when using oral steroids, but Primobolan comes with the benefit of not posing a risk to the liver as there are no known cases of liver hepatotoxicity reported for this steroid. However, since most people will stack Primobolan with other steroids that may themselves cause hepatotoxicity, it’s vital to be aware of the risks to the liver of every compound you’re taking.

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HD LABS ~ Primabolin Tabs 25mgPrimabolin Tabs 25mg

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