Primabolin (Methenolone) was originally developed to treat medical conditions that caused muscle wasting. This highlights how effective this compound is at preventing loss of muscle, which is a highly desirable trait for any bodybuilder or athlete.
While not a powerful bulking steroid and one that won’t contribute much to size gain in most men, it is an excellent cutting compound due to the way Primabolin is able to help retain lean muscle tissue mainly through the process of increasing nitrogen retention.
Methenolone Enanthate (Primabolin Depot)
Depot is the name of the injectable form of Primabolin . It is considered to be a more effective and slightly more powerful form of Primabolin , but the effects are still similar to the oral form, and it remains a relatively mild steroid compared with most others out there.
The oral form of Primabolin is Methenolone Acetate in chemical form, with the acetate being a small ester attached to the Methenolone hormone so it can be consumed in oral form. Unlike many other oral steroids, this doesn’t come with the high risk of liver toxicity; in fact, there are virtually no known causes of liver stress or damage caused by this steroid.
The mild anabolic effects of oral Primabolin make it an ideal choice for women who can see excellent results at low doses with relatively low risk of virilization side effects compared with other steroids. While oral Primabolin can also be effective for male users, many men will prefer the injectable Depot version which is more effective.
Due to the difficulty in obtaining high quality Primabolin , not everyone will have the option to choose between oral or depot, with the choice often resting simply on what you are able to obtain.