Dosage Instructions
25mg -75 mg / Day
Because of its relatively low anabolic rating, using Primobolan with any benefits normally means dosing it at a higher level than we might for most other steroids. These higher doses still only make Primobolan most effective for cutting cycles, as the dosing required for bulking would be too high to be practical or healthy.
Whatever your goals are, Primobolan is almost always stacked with other steroid compounds as it tends to have little beneficial effect when used alone for most men but can be effective for women.
The oral form of Primobolan is clearly preferable for anyone who is hesitant about injecting themselves with steroids, but it’s well known that despite the compound being the same besides the attached ester, oral Primobolan is not quite as effective as the injection, and this can just be to do with how it’s taken up by the body.
In any case, if the oral form is the only one you can get your hands on, or you simply don’t want to deal with injections then it’s still well worth using if you get your doses right optimized for best results.
Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Dosage
Its mild nature means that we need to use Primobolan at a higher dosage level than might be the case with most other steroids, and this will include beginner users as well. The good news is that even at these higher performance enhancement doses, Primobolan does not present huge side effect risks and should be well tolerated by beginners.
Both beginners and intermediate users can safely use Primobolan up to 150mg daily, although beginners wanting to start off extra slow can lower this down to 50mg and potentially see some beneficial effects still.
Advanced users often increase the oral dose up to 200mg daily, keeping in mind that these doses are unlikely present the risks of liver toxicity that is the case with almost all other oral steroids where doses need to be limited for that reason.
Advanced users choosing to increase Primobolan oral doses beyond 200mg daily should be aware of an increased risk to the liver at higher dosages.
The high cost of oral Primobolan is often a limiting factor in what you’d like your daily dosage to be regardless of experience level.
Whatever your chosen dose of oral Primobolan is, it can be taken in one administration and there is no need to split the dose as is the case with the injectable form.
Proper Administration and Timing
Taking Primobolan oral is as simple as a once daily administration. While some other steroids with very short half-lives might need a dose to be broken down into twice or more daily to sustain levels of the hormone, this is not an issue with the longer half-life of Primobolan of several days.
Female Dosage
Women only require mild anabolic effects from a steroid to experience gains in muscle, and Primobolan fits the bill and comes with much less risk of virilization effects than almost any other steroid.
Oral Primobolan is preferred by females as both the effects and side effects are easier to control compared to the injection. Females can get by with excellent benefits at very low doses of oral Primobolan of just 50mg, or 75mg maximum.
So, you’ve decided on what form of Primobolan you want to use and what dosage you’re comfortable with to achieve your results. How can you fit this steroid into a cycle? Below are some typical examples of how Primobolan is used in a cycle and as you will see, it is virtually always used with other steroid compounds.
Beginner Primobolan Cycle
Beginners undertaking this cycle can safely use 400mg per week of Primobolan and up to 500mg weekly of Testosterone enanthate, although it will still be very effective as low as 300mg weekly.
These compounds can even be taken in the same injection by combining them together, making it one simple injection per dose. A 10-week cycle will provide excellent results and help you evaluate how these steroids affect you both positive and negatively as a beginner.
Intermediate Primobolan Cycle
Intermediate users wanting to take the option of oral Primobolan will often make use of a testosterone compound simply to provide a base level of testosterone support during the cycle but not as a primarily anabolic compound.
This just ensures that your normal testosterone function is retained during the cycle, while leaving the other compounds to deliver the results you’re after. For a cutting cycle the best compound to combine with Primobolan is Winstrol as both are derived from DHT and neither of these steroids aromatize.
This intermediate cutting cycle, when used with a calorie-controlled diet and proper workout program, will deliver a hard, toned and defined physique with no water retention. Although Primobolan contributes little to muscle gain, Winstrol does provide some scope for mass gain during this cycle.
This intermediate Primobolan cycle is easy to implement at the following doses: 100mg daily of oral Primobolan, 400mg per week of injectable Winstrol and Testosterone Enanthate as a support compound at just 100mg weekly. This cycle can safely be run for 10 weeks.
Advanced Primobolan Cycle
The most advanced and experienced users of Primobolan will also have extensive experience in using other anabolic steroids and feel confident in combining them in a cycle for maximum outcomes and this will usually be for serious cutting purposes including competition preparation where you want maximum definition and hardness by the end of the cycle.
Including testosterone as a support compound like the intermediate cycle is the ideal option for advanced users as well, but the big difference in this advanced cycle will be the addition of the extremely powerful anabolic steroid Trenbolone. Testosterone therefore is not used as a bulking or strength gainer in this cycle, leaving that role to Trenbolone.
Just like Primobolan, Trenbolone is not an aromatizing steroid, so your results come without the bloated look caused by water retention, and this is critical for a cutting cycle particularly when it’s for a competition. All three steroids in this cycle are in an injectable form. But even more so, they both come with the same ester attached so can conveniently be combined and taken all within the one single injection.
A 10-week cycle will produce exceptional results, with the following doses: 1000mg per week of Primobolan Depot, 500mg per week of Trenbolone and 100mg weekly of testosterone enanthate as a testosterone support compound.
Stacking Primobolan
Primobolan is almost always stacked with other steroids, with the exception being for female users who find that the mild anabolic rating is a perfect fit for gaining some size without the serious virilization side effects. Males however will utilize other compounds depending on the goal of the cycle and these are seen above in the beginner, intermediate and advanced cycle examples.
Taking care to stack compounds that are similar in their structure concerning the attached esters will make it very easy to make use of Primobolan in combination with other steroids, including being able to administer them in the one injection.
Additionally, by selecting steroids to stack with Primobolan that also come with the same benefit of not being aromatizing compounds and thus not coming with estrogenic side effects, you can run some very powerful cycles, as seen above, without having to deal with side effects like gyno and water retention.