MENT increases protein synthesis, speeds up muscle growth and recovery, and is generally one of the most anabolic compounds on the planet, the results that most users are going to get will be insane.
This is the top steroid of all steroids
The best research compound on the market right now, in terms of its ability to help users pack on sheer pounds of muscle mass, as fast as humanly possible. Just look at the Trestolone results above.
Of course, if you want to get results like that, you need to eat a lot of protein. Aim to have at least one gram of protein per pound of your goal lean bodyweight. So, if you want to weigh 200 pounds lean, eat 200 grams of protein per day.
The Trestolone results you get will also depend on your workout routine, of course, and overall training experience, health, body fat, and more. Most users can expect to gain 20 pounds of muscle within 6 weeks.
MENT is a relatively potent steroid, so an effective dose for bodybuilders is going to be small. As a drug 10 times more anabolic than testosterone by some studies, and 20 times more effective at suppressing spermatogenesis than testosterone enanthate in others, we should commonly see daily doses of maybe 3-6mg. If prepared as an oil-based injectable (with acetate ester), this would mean shots of roughly 10-20mg every two to three days. Compare this to trenbolone, which is usually given in doses of 75-100mg per shot under the same schedule (and this is a particularly potent steroid).
MENT should stack well with a variety of different steroids, possibly for both cutting and bulking phases of training. For simplicity, this would mean using it with drugs like testosterone cypionate/enanthate (200-400mg/week), Dianabol (20-35mg/day), or Anadrol (50-100mg/day) when looking for sheer size, milder anabolics like nandrolone decanoate or boldenone undecylenate (200-400mg/week) for lean mass, or non-aromatizable drugs like Primobolan (200-300mg/week), Winstrol (20-35mg/day), or Anavar (15-20mg/day) while cutting.
Ment appears to be a decent compound for people looking to add good size, while easily combating side effects, as it is safer on your lipids than most other compounds, especially orals.
Appetite should be extremely elevated, and you should see a slight increase in gym strength. 1.25mg of letrozole EOD will combat the conversion to 7a-methyl estradiol, so bloating is minimal.