Masteron Enanthate 200mg – Masta Ject

Masteron Enanthate 200mg (Masta-Ject 200)

Drostanolone Propionate, or Masteron as it’s commonly known, is a popular cutting compound particularly favored by those who compete in bodybuilding contests because its maximum potential is seen in people who are already lean, cut and are carrying low fat levels.

Masteron is especially good at helping you burn off the most stubborn final ounces of fat that can be hard to shift with other compounds while helping you get the most hard and dry look possible because this steroid comes without the issue of fluid retention.

Masteron isn’t a compound to throw into a steroid cycle without understanding what its exact purpose and function is, as this is a compound that suits quite a specific goal and most of the time is going to be most ideal for competitive bodybuilders or just those who have the most discipline to undertake the best possible cutting cycle for maximum results.


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Masteron Enanthate (Drostanolone Enanthate)

Masteron is a steroid that’s derived from dihydrotestosterone (DHT) with a slight chemical alteration that gives Masteron a higher anabolic rating than DHT itself.

There are two different versions of Masteron:

These are simple the Drostanolone compound with a different ester attached to control the release rate and the half-life of the steroid once it’s in the body. The ester itself has no affect at all on the activity of Masteron as it becomes attached over time once you’ve administered the steroid, leaving Masteron to take full effect.

Propionate is the most common form of Masteron, with Enanthate being harder to find even though it comes with a benefit of less regular injections because of its longer half-life. Both forms are relatively difficult to find as they are no longer manufactured in US pharmaceutical labs, so purchasing needs to be done on the black market and underground and this leaves you open to counterfeits and low-quality products.

The cost of Masteron in both forms has reduced in recent times so once you locate a trusted supplier this can become one of the more affordable steroids to include in your cycles.

Masteron Propionate (Drostanolone Propionate)
Propionate is the more widely used variety and allows Masteron to have a longer half-life and a slower rate of release than if the ester were not attached to the hormone.

The resulting half-life is about 2.5 days, which is much shorter than the enanthate variety. Propionate is the most popular variant of Masteron. Being a shorter ester, this version of Masteron is mostly used in shorter cycles than what you would use the enanthate variant for.

Normally the cycle length is 8 to 10 weeks, and it should be combined at least with a testosterone steroid (ideally Testosterone Propionate for compatibility), while it also delivers excellent results when used with more powerful steroids like Winstrol or Trenbolone.

Masteron Enanthate (Drostanolone Enanthate)

The added Enanthate ester gives this version of Masteron a significantly longer half-life of about 10 days.

This version can be harder to come by and has not been as popular with bodybuilders as the propionate type, and only relatively recently has it become more widely used among performance athletes. Due to the long ester and thus long-acting nature of Masteron Enanthate it’s ideally used in cycles that are longer than you might use Masteron Prop for.

This steroid can easily be used for 12 weeks or more with good results in a cutting cycle stacked at a minimum with testosterone, but it also works well if you want to add another powerhouse cutting steroid to the mix like Winstrol.

One of the most popular cycles is Masteron Enanthate, Test Enanthate and the powerful anabolic compound Trenbolone Enanthate. Since they all use the same ester, these compounds are very compatible with each other and produce superb results for competitive bodybuilders especially in a pre-contest cycle.

Additional information


Drostanolone Enanthate


200mg / ml


10ml Vial


HD Labs

Dosage Instructions

Dosage Instructions

200mg – 400mg / Week

Getting the best possible results from Masteron will not only depend on how good your training and diet is while you’re using the steroid, and what other compounds you might stack it with, but just as important is your dosage and cycle length. With a bit of planning, you can create the perfect cycle for your experience level and your personal goals.

Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Masteron Dosage

For most users, the dosage of Masteron will be kept at a low level. This is not a mass building steroid and increasing the dose to gain muscle will be futile, with other compounds being much more suitable for that purpose. For physique enhancement Masteron has no need to be taken any higher than 400mg per week.

Beginners are unlikely to want to go any lower than a 200mg weekly dose of Masteron for physique enhancement, so this is considered a good starting point if it’s your first time using this compound. Unlike most other steroids though, increasing up to or near the maximum recommended dosage for any experience level is possible and even encouraged for beginners with Masteron. That means beginners can confidently use 400mg weekly as it is at that level where Masteron’s hardening and other physique enhancing effects really kick in, and this is the case no matter what level user you are making this one of the very few steroids where beginners are able to confidently use the same amount of the compound as even the most advanced users.

Just as with beginners, intermediate level users will do very well at the 400mg weekly dose as there are no benefits to going any higher, nor can maximum possible results be yielded with a much lower dose. 400mg is considered the sweet spot of Masteron use in any cycle regardless of what an intermediate user will be stacking it with.

Advanced users generally also stick with a 400mg dose with the full knowledge that Masteron does not and cannot act as a primary anabolic steroid in any cycle, with that role going to other compounds which much stronger anabolic effects.

Effect on Cycle

Effect on Cycle

Masteron is put to best use in a cutting cycle. It is often considered to be a weaker steroid because of its lack of mass building capabilities, but not all steroids are meant for bulking, and this is one that has a very niche and specific purpose which will suit anyone who wants the most extreme possible results from a cutting cycle.

Here are the main benefits and effects you can expect from Masteron:

Fat Loss
Masteron can enhance the loss of fat but is not a specific fat loss compound. It can build upon your already lean body and works well when combined with powerful fat burning steroids like Winstrol. Additionally, Masteron isn’t a muscle mass gainer but can help with overall muscle hardening.

Hard and Dry Look
With no water retention to bloat you and stand in the way of that much desired dry and hard look you want to obtain, Masteron is the ultimate late stage cutting steroid for physique enhancement whether it be as a serious personal goal or for competition purposes. If your body fat is already at a low level, you stand to gain the most from Masteron as it helps to bring out your tone. Therefore, this is a steroid that will be valued by those who have already put in a heap of work with other compounds previously, and with a well-planned restricted calorie diet and suitable workout program.

Masteron can provide some moderate boosts to strength which helps enhance workouts and is a benefit to those users wanting some strength gains without the associated large mass gains that come with many other stronger anabolic steroids.

Increases Effect of Other Steroids
Most people will be stacking other steroid compounds with Masteron and one of the additional benefits of doing is is not only to gain the positive effects of Masteron itself as part of the stacked cycle, but also in the way Masteron can help the other steroids to work more effectively for multiple reasons. One is thanks to Masteron’s good anti-aromatase and anti-estrogen properties.

But lesser known is the way Masteron can prevent the binding of some Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) to other steroids in the cycle, which can reduce their effectiveness. By limiting this binding activity, other steroids you are taking alongside Masteron will be able to operate more fully at their maximum potential. These properties make Masteron an ideal steroid for stacking with many other types of anabolic steroids.

Another great benefit of Masteron is that not only does it not aromatize and therefore not cause any estrogen related side effects, but it’s also known to have some anti-estrogen properties. This is what’s made it powerful as a breast cancer treatment drug. Depending on what other steroids you combine with Masteron in a cycle, those with less potent aromatizing effect but with some estrogenic activity may be able to be offset by the anti-estrogen activity of Masteron itself.

Side Effects

Side Effects

Thanks to its lack of aromatizing activity, Masteron doesn’t come with some of the side effects that steroid users most often dread of an estrogenic nature. That means water retention and gynecomastia won’t rear their head when you use Masteron (but if you stack it with other steroids that do aromatize then those side effects will still have to be dealt with). This is important for cutting and means that the bloated look that can ruin your physique isn’t going to be an issue with Masteron.

But there are other side effects you need to know about before deciding to use Masteron. Thankfully it’s a mild steroid when it comes to negative effects, at least when compared with more powerful steroids, but there are some important possible adverse effects that will be familiar to you if you’ve ever used other steroids. These include:

Androgenic Side Effects
If you have hair loss or baldness in your genes, then the androgenic activity of Masteron can bring forward this problem much earlier than it would have happened to you. Not all men will experience hair loss, in fact some will have zero issues in this regard as this is one of the few side effects that mostly comes down to genetics. Similarly, is the issue of acne and increased oiliness of the skin; again, this is more likely in guys who had experienced serious acne as a teen.

Perhaps the most serious possible side effect from Masteron concerns cholesterol and the way this steroid can both cause a rise in the bad type of cholesterol (LDL) while simultaneously decreasing levels of the good type of cholesterol (HDL).
The potential for negative cholesterol impacts is great enough with Masteron that anyone with existing high cholesterol is advised not to use this steroid at all. For everyone else, closely monitoring your cholesterol levels during the cycle is essential, as is sticking with a quality cholesterol friendly diet.

Since Masteron is mainly used during cutting cycles, it is unlikely that your diet will contain foods that put cholesterol at risk, however it’s not only what you aren’t consuming that matters but what you are – so eating omega-3 fatty acid rich foods and other cholesterol friendly items like avocado, nuts and garlic are also important. Cardio work at the gym as part of your cutting cycle will also contribute to maintaining healthy cholesterol during a Masteron cycle.

Testosterone Suppression
This is a steroid that will suppress your natural testosterone production quite significantly. For this reason, it’s basically essential that you include a testosterone steroid in your cycle to avoid falling into a low testosterone state.

Only a low dose of testosterone is required to fill this role during your Masteron cycle, as you are not using that steroid for any purpose other than as a testosterone replacement.

Even though testosterone production will start up again following the end of a cycle, this is a long and slow process and one that you don’t want to wait for – this is where a good PCT plan is critical so you can get your testosterone production kickstarted much faster and you avoid that low testosterone state where you’ll lose muscle, gain fat, lack mental and physical energy, lose your libido and more.

Being based on DHT which is significantly more androgenic than testosterone itself, Masteron poses relatively high risks of virilization for female users and for this reason it’s not a steroid that is ideal for use by most women unless used at low doses and development of side effects closely monitored, and use of Masteron stopped if effects like a deepened voice and body hair growth begin taking effect.

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HD LABS ~ Masteron Enanthate 200mg - Masta JectMasteron Enanthate 200mg – Masta Ject

Availability: In stock

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