Side Effects
When it comes to potential side effects with this steroid there are two main areas of concern. One is that Halotestin is a very potent androgen, in fact possibly the most powerful androgenic steroid. Secondly is the severe toxicity impact on the liver for which Halotestin is once again one of the most potent in this regard. Here are the main side effects to consider when using Halotestin:
Androgenic Side Effects
With such a substantial androgenic rating it comes as no surprise that the androgenic related side effects are also going to be extreme with Halotestin. Acne, head hair loss and growth of body hair are all standard androgenic effects.
Those with a genetic predisposition to acne and hair loss are almost certain to experience such effects, but even men with only a mild predisposition can see themselves having to deal with these side effects with Halotestin, and this is not often the case with other anabolic steroids.
The androgenic effects are also at the very extreme end for women and will most certainly result in issues like body hair growth and a deepened voice. These side effects make it inadvisable for any women to use this steroid as they are virtually guaranteed to still develop even at low doses.
Estrogenic Side Effects
A welcome benefit of Halotestin is that it has no aromatizing activity and as a result, no estrogenic side effects that are so common with many other steroids such as male breast enlargement (gyno) and water retention as well as raised blood pressure.
The lack of aromatization is perhaps the greatest benefit of Halotestin but as we can see when reviewing other side effects, this is the only area where the steroid does not cause any negative issues.
Anabolic steroids in general have a stereotype of being a cause of increased aggression in male users. While this is not necessarily the case for all steroids, it is a major issue with Halotestin.
The exceptionally high androgenic effects of Halotestin result not only in greater physical strength but a rise in overall aggression as well.
What a user does with this increased aggression is highly individual: those with a naturally calm nature will channel aggression into enhanced physical strength in the gym or in the ring, while those who have a personality of a “short fuse” or anger when not using steroids is likely to be very negatively impacted by the effects of Halotestin in this area and should seriously consider whether this is a steroid that is worth using for that reason alone.
Liver toxicity
Anyone with existing liver problems should not use Halotestin at all and even those with a health liver need to limit use to less than one month. This is because as a C17-aa oral steroid Halotestin is liver toxic but even compared with other oral steroids of this type, Halotestin toxicity is at the more severe level.
The liver is highly likely to become very stressed while using Halotestin and this can’t be avoided. To minimize risk of permanent damage steps must be taken, including not using any other oral steroids at the same time or for at least two months after stopping a Halotestin cycle, limiting use to no more than 4 weeks but even less is preferable, and avoiding alcohol and medications which also cause liver stress.
Halotestin is possibly the most hepatotoxic steroid available and this issue must not be overlooked by anyone considering use of this compound.
Cholesterol and High Blood Pressure
Halotestin is likely to cause your good HDL cholesterol levels to reduce while raising the levels of LDL bad cholesterol.
This brings about increased risk of arteriosclerosis and potential heart attack with thickening of the walls of the arteries. Many steroids come with such risks at some level, but Halotestin is one of the most severe because of its impact on the liver, which helps regulate cholesterol.
In addition to its negative impact on cholesterol, Halotestin can also bring about high blood pressure. Both the cholesterol and blood pressure effects are important reasons why long-term use of Halotestin is never advised and cycles should be kept to no more than a few weeks in length.
Anyone who has existing known problems with either blood pressure or cholesterol should avoid the use of Halotestin completely. Even those with healthy levels in these two areas will need to monitor them carefully for changes throughout the cycle.
Testosterone Suppression
Halotestin comes with a very high level of testosterone suppression, once again putting this steroid at the top of the most potent ones out there. Halotestin will greatly reduce the normal production of testosterone or even shut it down completely while the steroid is active in the body.
Users of Halotestin will need to add a testosterone steroid to the cycle to maintain functioning hormone levels and without this measure you will face a whole host of physical and psychological issues.
Post cycle therapy will then be required after your cycle to restore normal testosterone function as quickly as possible and to avoid a sudden drop in testosterone following the end of the steroid cycle. Nolvadex and HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) are recommended to be used during PCT for up to 6 weeks.