
Cut Mix VM

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Cut Mix, a blend of drostenolone (also known as Masteron), testosterone propionate, and boldenone acetate, is formulated to help bodybuilders achieve a lean and defined physique. This combination is particularly effective during cutting phases when the primary goals are to reduce body fat while preserving muscle mass

Original price was: R605.Current price is: R545.

SKU: VM076


Cut Mix, a blend of drostenolone (also known as Masteron), testosterone propionate, and boldenone acetate, is formulated to help bodybuilders achieve a lean and defined physique. This combination is particularly effective during cutting phases when the primary goals are to reduce body fat while preserving muscle mass.

Drostenolone (Masteron)

Mechanism of Action: Drostenolone is a powerful androgen with strong anti-estrogenic properties. It does not aromatize to estrogen, making it ideal for reducing water retention and promoting a hard, dry appearance.

Benefits in Bodybuilding:

  1. Muscle Hardness: Enhances muscle density and definition, providing a harder look.
  2. Anti-Estrogenic Effects: Reduces estrogen-related side effects such as water retention and gynecomastia.
  3. Fat Loss: Promotes fat loss while preserving lean muscle tissue.

Testosterone Propionate

Mechanism of Action: Testosterone propionate is a fast-acting ester of testosterone. It boosts nitrogen retention and protein synthesis, crucial for muscle maintenance and growth.

Benefits in Bodybuilding:

  1. Muscle Maintenance: Helps retain muscle mass during calorie deficits.
  2. Strength and Energy: Increases strength and energy levels, enabling more intense workouts.
  3. Libido and Mood: Improves overall mood and libido, enhancing motivation.

Boldenone Acetate

Mechanism of Action: Boldenone acetate is a fast-acting ester of boldenone. It increases nitrogen retention and protein synthesis, much like testosterone, but with a lower androgenic activity.

Benefits in Bodybuilding:

  1. Lean Muscle Mass: Promotes steady gains in lean muscle tissue.
  2. Increased Appetite: Stimulates appetite, which can be useful even during cutting to ensure adequate protein intake.
  3. Enhanced Vascularity: Improves blood flow and vascularity, contributing to a more vascular and defined appearance.

Combined Effects of Cut Mix

Synergistic Muscle Preservation: The combination of drostenolone, testosterone propionate, and boldenone acetate ensures muscle preservation during a cutting phase. Testosterone propionate provides the anabolic foundation needed to maintain muscle mass, while drostenolone and boldenone acetate enhance the lean and defined look.

Fat Loss and Muscle Hardness: Drostenolone’s anti-estrogenic properties help reduce water retention, enhancing muscle hardness and definition. Boldenone acetate’s moderate androgenic effects and appetite-stimulating properties support the maintenance of lean muscle mass while promoting fat loss.

Strength and Performance: Testosterone propionate ensures sustained strength and performance levels, enabling bodybuilders to maintain high-intensity training sessions even when on a calorie-restricted diet. This is crucial for preserving muscle mass and achieving a well-defined physique.

Administration and Cycle: Bodybuilders typically use Cut Mix in an 8-12 week cycle. The fast-acting nature of testosterone propionate and boldenone acetate allows for quick results, while drostenolone ensures a consistent reduction in estrogenic side effects. Post-cycle therapy (PCT) is recommended to restore natural hormone production after the cycle.


Cut Mix effectively combines the benefits of drostenolone, testosterone propionate, and boldenone acetate to help bodybuilders achieve a lean, defined, and vascular physique. By preserving muscle mass, reducing fat, and enhancing muscle hardness, this blend is ideal for those looking to optimize their cutting phase and present a more chiseled appearance.

Additional information



Pack Size

10ml Vial

Chemical Composition

100mg Drostanolone Propionate, 100mg Test Prop, 100mg Tren Ace


V-Med Pharma

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