Side Effects
It needs to be remembered that at its core, Clenbuterol is a stimulant. This means it will come with potential side effects, and these are likely to be enhanced and increased the higher your dosage of this compound is. Just as caffeine is a stimulant and we can expect some adverse effects when consuming it in high quantities, so it is the case with Clen.
Again, just as with caffeine, individual response to Clenbuterol will vary; however, it’s vital to be aware of the potential negative reactions that you might experience so you can be on the lookout for them and adjust your dosage accordingly to get the maximum benefit and minimal side effects.
I can break Clenbuterol side effects down into the more common ones that most people are likely to experience, and those which are considered less common.
Below are the most seen side effects of Clenbuterol. Not everyone will experience all or even any of these, while other people may experience them all; it depends on your personal sensitivity to stimulants and of course, your dosage.
• Jitters or Tremors – You might notice yourself having shaky hands when you hold your fingers out. Out of all the possible side effects, this one is most often reported by Clen users. As with most side effects, it is likely to subside as your body becomes accustomed to Clen – and therefore dosages should start low and slowly increase.
• Increased Sweating – Clen is a stimulant that heats up the body, and the body’s response to increased heat is to sweat. With the cells producing and releasing more heat than normal, your body temperature rises, and some people will find that they perspire more than normal, whether during exercise or at rest; or both.
• Insomnia – This is an issue that can come up with any stimulant consumed – even coffee. Highly sensitive people can find difficulties in falling or staying asleep when using Clen. The half-life of this medication, at over 36 hours, means it will always be in your system during a 24-hour period including when you need to sleep. Lower dosages can alleviate severe insomnia, as can allowing your body to become used to the effects by slowly raising the dose through your cycle.
• Headaches – Any type of stimulant can cause headaches and once again, this is going to be a symptom that varies widely amongst people. Some people are highly sensitive to stimulants (so if you’re prone to headaches from coffee, Clen might have the same effect on you), while others will never get a headache even using Clenbuterol at the maximum dose. One of the main causes of headaches with Clen or any stimulant is an increase in blood pressure.
• Increased Blood Pressure – This is more likely to happen at the start of a cycle before the body becomes used to the stimulant effects of Clen. If you have known blood pressure issues, it’s extra important that you monitor your blood pressure throughout your cycle; however, those with a known history of high blood pressure and related conditions are strongly advised against using Clenbuterol.
• Muscle Cramps – The suspected cause of muscular cramps that many people get when using Clen is because of decreased levels of the amino acid taurine which can have an impact on nerves which in turn play a role in muscle contractions. When the muscles can’t relax as normal due to a lack of taurine, muscle cramps happen. The recommendation for anyone who experiences muscle cramping when using Clen is to take a quality taurine supplement and this is likely to keep this side effect under control.
• Nausea – This is a possible side effect with almost any medication and is another reason we start off Clen on a low dosage. In more sensitive people, nausea can lead to vomiting, in which case retaining a lower dosage for a long period of time and more slowly increasing it is advisable.
• Mood Changes – This can range from a feeling of improved mood while using the medication, to an onset of anxiety and depression when Clen is stopped.
Other more serious but less common side effects are below, and these are considerably more likely to occur when the dosage of Clen is higher than is recommended:
- Rapid or irregular heart rate
- Vomiting or diarrhoea
- Fast breathing
- Very high blood pressure
In all cases of any of the above symptoms, Clenbuterol usage should be stopped immediately, and medical advice sought if these effects don’t quickly subside once stopping the drug (keeping in mind the long half-life of about 36 hours).
First time users of Clen are more likely to have worse side effects than people who have been using it for some time. It can take a while to get used to Clen, but if adverse effects are not bearable than the wise thing to do is to decrease your dosage until any side effects are more manageable.